“Care and Revelations” Nest Exhibition

We live in turbulent times, dominated by misinformation and inequality. Amidst this chaos, we often overlook that caregiving remains the backbone of our societies, predominantly carried out by women. Mothers*, in particular, navigate their parental duties daily, often in isolation.

Karne Kunst proudly presents an international group exhibition at the Coswig Projektraum, exploring the role of motherhood in modern society. The exhibition showcases the works of six artists, both national and international, navigating these themes through a variety of techniques and media, offering a unique insight into contemporary art’s engagement with motherhood. These pieces are the culmination of “Nest, Mothering in Residence / Resistance,” an artistic residency involving artists and children, held in Coswig Anhalt.

Motherhood has revealed profound insights into our past and aspirations for our future, raising many questions and introducing a sense of disorder, while also offering the possibility to redesign and create better worlds.

Visitors are invited to reflect on their personal connections to caregiving, relationships, and their own parents in dialogue with the artworks, discovering new interpretations and insights.

In this exhibition, the term mother* is used with an asterisk to include queer and trans identities, intentionally separating from purely biological characteristics.

“Care and Revelations” Nest Exhibition

Exhibition: August 10 – August 24, 2024
Location: Projektraum Coswig, Friederikenstraße 26, 06869 Coswig (Anhalt)
Vernissage: August 10 | 17:00 – 20:00
Performance: August 17, 4 PM
“Futter für die Mutter*” by Leo Lisa Begeré
Getting there: Accessible by car, train, and bike. Close to the A9 highway and Coswig (Anhalt) train station.


Diese Ausstellung wird großzügig gefördert durch die Kunststiftung Sachsen-Anhalt . Projektraum Coswig ist eine Initiative von Karne Kunst, die mit der Unterstützung Marcela Villanueva und Lucas Dima ins Leben gerufen wurde. Unterstützt von Sorora e.V.

Performance “Futter für die Mutter*” by Leo Lisa BegeréDiese Residency wird unterstützt von ACT OUT, einem Projekt der IG Freie Theaterarbeit, gefördert aus Mitteln des BMEIA.